by rockerforlife | Nov 22, 2018 | Heavy Metal, Playlist, Punk, Radio, Random, Rantings
Argh! I love doing radio and I am currently doing a program called LIFER on Gimme is a great station that’s primarily metal oriented, or at least focuses on music that is generally heavy. There are lots of great shows by great DJs, musicians and...
by rockerforlife | Nov 11, 2018 | Art, Heavy Metal, Live Shows
Volur Xasthur Year Of The Cobra Volur 1476 Eye Of Nix Kayo Dot Novembers Doom November 2nd and 3rd marked the American debut of Prophecy Fest. The German label Prophecy Productions, have held festivals inside a huge cave in Germany in the past, and after finally...
by rockerforlife | Nov 3, 2018 | Art, Interview, Live Shows, Playlist, Punk, Radio, Random
Acclaimed music producer Martin Bisi is a busy guy. The proprietor of BC Studio seems to always be on the move, as much as being on the move is counter to being a studio owner. He is currently touring in Europe, the BC35 collection was released earlier this year and...
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