I am a textile artist, I create unique pieces with dyes, paint, and repetitive woodblock and rubber stamps. My main pieces are shirts and scarves, and on occasion I can work on a shawl, makeup bag or pair of leggings! My Instagram for this work: OpenClothesOriginals

I was a printmaker and tattoo artist for years. I love both of those crafts, and they both are very instrument- and barrier-oriented. I like being physically connected with my work, and everything about watercolor is basic – the texture of the paper, the pigments and of course, the use of water; it’s as organic a process as you can get, so I have chosen watercolor as a second medium of choice. Here are a couple of my recent paintings!



A lot of my work reflects our everyday chaos and the reflecting calm I hope we all get to enjoy. If one person gets something from surveying one of my pieces, regardless of how or where it has been viewed, that makes the work worthwhile!

I also enjoy working on light switch and electrical outlet plates. This started as a fundraising project for WFMU, and I have continued the work because I like functional art! Here are some of those pieces, I also have an Instagram Account just for these pieces. It is: dianemakesplates









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